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metric space 度量空間。


In chapter one , we develop a theory for hausdorff dimension and measure of self - conformal sets in complete metric spaces . this part is a try since g . a . edgar and j . golds gave the definition of conformal maps in complete metric spaces in 1999 在第一章中,我們研究了一般度量空間中自共形集的hausdorff維數和測度,主要考慮了分離性質及自共性集合正hausdorff測度之間的關系。

Some properties of compactness on fuzzy metric spaces are studied , especially sequentially compactness , totally bounded sets , compact sets and compactness on the kind of spaces , and several theorems on compactness of fuzzy metric spaces are proved 摘要研究了模糊度量空間的緊性,主要討論了列緊性、全有界性、自列緊性和緊性等,證明了幾個關于模糊度量空間緊性的命題和定理。

Some fundamental methods in mathematical analysis are applied to prove the unique decomposition theorem : the distance between vector - valued pseudo almost periodic functions in metric spaces and almost periodic functions is an ergodic perturbation 應用數學分析中的基本方法證明了唯一分解定理,即距離空間中的向量值偽概周期函數和概周期函數之間的距離是一個遍歷擾動。

However , there are only extremely tiny part can be metriz - able in many important topological spaces , therefore , it will have important significance to research generalized metric spaces tightly relative to metric spaces 但是在眾多的重要的拓撲空間中能夠度量化的畢竟是極小部分,因此研究與度量空間密切相關的廣義度量空間具有重要意義。

These are 18 . 100b ( analysis and metric spaces ) and 18 . 700 ( linear algebra ) . the course 18 . 101 ( calculus in several variables ) would be useful and some familiarity with topological groups is also helpful 學生需要預修18 . 100b (分析和度量空間)和18 . 700 (線性代數) 。預修過課程18 . 101 (多變數微積分)或者熟悉拓撲群都對學習本課程有幫助。

Some sufficient and necessary conditions for the multi - step iterative sequences of the asymptotically quasi - nonexpansive mappings ti to converge to certain common fixed points in the convex metric space are obtained 摘要研究了凸度量空間中用多步迭代序列來逼近漸近非擴張映象的不動點,并給出了其收斂于不動點的充分必要條件。

In this paper , to study fixed - point of compact metric space , and obtain one pair fixed - point theorems of expansion mapping and compression mapping . the results are improved in the papers [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] 摘要研究了緊度量空間上的不動點問題。得到擴張映射與壓縮映射的不動點定理。推廣了文獻[ 1 ] 、 [ 2 ]的結果。

Roe algebras ' arose from the index theory on noncompact complete rieman - nian manifolds , and is a class of concrete c - algebras associated to the coarse structure of metric spaces Roe代數起源于非緊流形上的指標理論,是反映度量空間粗結構的一類具體的c ~ * -代數。

In this paper , common fixed point theorems for converse commuting selfmaps on a metric space have been proved . the theorems are different from the related results 摘要通過引入度量空間中的反交換映射,證明了一個公共不動點定理。這一結果不同于相關的文獻。

In section 2 . 2 , it is proved that if an expansive homeomorphism of a compact metric space have the potp , then it has the potp in its basic sets 2節證明了:對于緊致度量空間上的自同胚,若它有偽軌跟蹤性且是膨脹的,則它在鏈分支上保持偽軌跟蹤性。

Because of the asymmetry of the quasi - metric , the concept of left ( right ) fixed point of the mapping from a quasi - metric space to itself is given 考慮到非對稱度量的不對稱性,進一步定義了非對稱度量空間到自身映射的左不動點和右不動點。

A common fixed point theorem for two mappings in generalized d - metric space is given , which extend the known results 摘要給出了一般d -度量空間2個自映射的公共不動點定理,所得結論推廣了現有文獻中的主要結果。

Existence theorems of solutions for a kind of quasi - variational inequalities with monotone type multivalued mapping in hyperconvex metric spaces 超凸度量空間中一類單調型集值映射擬變分不等式解的存在定理

In the present paper , some theorems for variational inequalities and minimax inequality are obtained in hyperconvex metric spaces 摘要文章給出了超凸度量空間中的一些變分不等式定理和極大極小不等式定理。

In the present paper , some theorems for variational inequalities and minimax inequality are obtained in hyperconvex metric spaces 文章給出了超凸度量空間中的一些變分不等式定理和極大極小不等式定理

In section 2 . 3 , it is proved that a equicontinuous self - mapping of a compact and connected metric space can not have the potp 3節證明了緊致連通的度量空間上的等度連續自映射不具有偽軌跟蹤性。

Fixed point theorems of monotone mappings and coupled fixed point theorems of mixed monotone mappings in ordered metric spaces 半序度量空間中單調映射的不動點定理及混合單調映射的耦合不動點定理

In this paper , we give a fixed point theore m for a pair of maps in d - metric spaces , and indicate a small mistake in [ 1 ] 本文給出了d -度量空間中的一個不動點定理,并指出了文獻[ 1 ]中的錯誤

Forty - year research has showed that network plays an important role during generalized metric space ' s research 四十多年的研究實踐表明,網絡在研究廣義度量空間理論中發揮著重要的作用。